Fundraisers & Events
The fundraisers we hold throughout the year help keep our tuition costs down!
Scroll down to see our current and upcoming fundraisers.
SJB Blankets
St. John Spirit Blankets are for sale and they make great gifts. They are $25 each. Cash or check can be sent to school, and we will send the blanket home with your child.
Cash Bingo
February 16, 2025
Doors open 12:30 pm, Bingo at 1:30 pm
Cash Bingo St. John the Baptist Catholic School’s Annual Cash Bingo will take place on Sunday, Feb. 16th at the New Freedom Community Center. Tickets are $25 in advance, $30 at the door (if still available). Doors open at 12:30pm and games begin at 1:30pm. Cash prizes, door prizes, 50/50 drawing and more! Food is available to purchase. Purchase tickets in the School or Church Office or by contacting Sarah Shaffer at Cash or check only.